Breaking News


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ahukumiwa jela miaka 20 kwa kukutwa na pembe za ndovu 300.soma zaid.

A Kenyan court handed a 20-year prison
sentence to a man who was found
possessing more than 300 elephant tusks
in what’s seen as a landmark ruling in the
East African nation’s fight against
Principal Magistrate Diana Mochache said
in her ruling late Friday that there was
sufficient circumstantial evidence to
convict Feisal Ali Mohammed, who was
on Interpol’s most-wanted list for crimes
against the environment. The ivory was
discovered in a warehouse in the port city
of Mombasa in 2014. Feisal escaped
arrest during the raid but was arrested
later that year in neighboring Tanzania.
Feisal’s lawyers said they would appeal
the sentence. Four other defendants were
Source: Bloomberg


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